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The Technology Department members support all desktop and portable devices, servers, and all district network user and email accounts.  We also support peripherals including telephones, printers, and classrooms that are equipped with instructional technology including interactive white boards, voice amplification, projectors, and student devices.

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Technology Information

The introduction of technology in education is continuing to create great opportunities for students and teachers in the Franklin Local School District. The opportunities include greater access to a robust, digital curriculum, the opportunity for students to gain college credit through dual-enrollment, the availability of mobile devices to provide more meaningful learning, and expanding knowledge of social networking tools for learning and professional development. As more technology emerges, the Franklin Local School District has been adept at keeping up with the constant changes to avoid creating a digital divide. Rather than just being able to provide simple internet access, Franklin Local can exceedingly provide enough bandwidth and wireless connectivity to support 21st Century Learning. The Franklin Local School District implemented a program that provides students in grades K-12 with direct one-to-one access to an educational technology device that supports and maximizes student learning. To further support next-generation learning, teachers are provided with up-to-date modern professional development. This professional development has enabled teachers to successfully implement digital curriculum, online-based learning, blended learning, digital assessments, and increased student-teacher collaboration.

We understand that high performing schools pay attention to the whole child to improve the quality of life for our students and community members.

Contact Information

Nick Hansel, Technology Director
Cory Davis, Technician
Quade Joseph, Technician

360 Cedar Street
Duncan Falls, OH 43734