The Ohio Resident Educator Program began in 2011, and has evolved to a comprehensive multi-year induction program, resulting in Professional Licensure with successful completion of the program and the Resident Educator Summative Assessment (RESA). The Ohio Resident Educator Program can be envisioned as the first years of a journey or the first steps on a path of continued professional learning, leading educators to more effective practices and excellence in teaching. While the purposes of each continue to differ: licensure (RE) and evaluation (OTES) the teacher residency program is designed to fit alongside with the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES), making with clear linkages and connections between the two.
We understand that high performing schools pay attention to the whole child to improve the quality of life for our students and community members.
Dustan Henderson, Director
Kathy McCutcheon, Secretary
360 Cedar Street
Duncan Falls, OH 43734