District Nurse

Medication Administration Information

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Medication must be stored and distributed according to established building procedures and all medication must be sent to school in its original package and pharmacy label by the parent or designated adult. For over-the-counter (non-prescription medications) the same procedure must be followed, with the exception of those procesured referring to the prescriber’s permission and procedures. In the case of over the counter medications, the parent is responsible for complying with all procedures in lieu of the prescriber and assumes liability.

Permit for School to Administer Medication Forms

In order to administer prescription medications, this form must be completed in its entirety and placed on file in the school office. Asthma Inhaler and Medication forms for daily administration during the school day and for medication administration during field trips, including overnight field trips.One form must be completed per one medication.

We understand that high performing schools pay attention to the whole child to improve the quality of life for our students and community members.

Contact Information

Maggie Brydon, Nurse


360 Cedar Street
Duncan Falls, Ohio 43734
PHONE: 740-674-5203