Meetings of the Board of Education, whether organizational, regular, or special shall be open to the public at all times. A meeting is any prearranged discussion of the public business by a majority of the members of the Board of Education. Minutes of the proceedings shall be promptly recorded and are public documents, open to the public for inspection. These requirements do not preclude the Board from conducting executive sessions as authorized by O.R.C. §121.22. However, no official business may be transacted except in open meetings, which the public may attend.
The date, time, and place of all regular meetings of the Board of Education shall be established at the organizational meeting. The Board shall hold regular meetings at least once every two months as required by law. The Board may change the date, time, and/or place of any regular meeting, and the Treasurer shall take appropriate steps to inform the public and media of the change within a reasonable time preceding the meeting.
The Board recognizes the value to school governance of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters of community interest. A copy of the Board of Education agenda will be provided for visitors attending regular sessions of the Board. In order to permit the orderly expression of concerns, the Board shall provide a period for public participation to be governed by the following guidelines.
The President of the Board will recognize persons requesting to be heard. Members of the audience granted time to speak may do so following the introduction of the public participation portion of the agenda by the President of the Board and then recognition to address the Board. Persons or delegates desiring to be heard before the Board of Education should notify the Superintendent’s office no later than seven (7) calendar days in advance of the meeting and provide the following information:
We understand that high performing schools pay attention to the whole child to improve the quality of life for our students and community members.