
Duncan Falls Elementary

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Duncan Falls Elementary serves approximately 725 students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Duncan Falls Elementary promotes a caring, inviting atmosphere that offers learning and play areas focused on the needs and interests of this age group. DFE has a fully equipped cafeteria, media center, and classrooms that support the best of educational technology, such as iPad carts and interactive whiteboards.

We are proud that 100% of our teaching staff has earned highly qualified status. They work daily to customize instruction to meet the learning needs of each student. Teachers and our support staff use data regularly to evaluate the progress of each child and identify areas where a student may need extra help.

DFE Student Handbook

Lunch Menus

We understand that high performing schools pay attention to the whole child to improve the quality of life for our students and community members.

Contact Information

Pam Hartman, Principal
Casandra McLendon, Asst. Principal
Laura Gensor, Counselor
Shantyle Harmon, Secretary
Misty Huey, Secretary

397 Oak Street
Duncan Falls, Ohio 43734
PHONE: 740-674-5211
FAX: 740-674-4117